In the Name of Allah, The Merciful, The Compassionate

SIILHALAL Earns BPJPH - Indonesia Certification for the First Time

SIILHALAL Earns BPJPH - Indonesia Certification for the First Time

After a thorough evaluation, the company has been certified by the Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal (BPJPH - Indonesia), expanding its service portfolio within the Brazilian market.

Chapecó (SC), September 5, 2024 – SIILHalal – Certificação Halal Brasil has just expanded its scope of services in the Halal certification market by receiving certification from the Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal (BPJPH – Indonesia). "This certification by BPJPH – Indonesia is an important milestone for SIILHalal, increasing our ability to serve Brazilian industries looking to export to the demanding Indonesian Halal market. This achievement reflects our ongoing commitment to diversifying our services, guided by determination, expertise, and transparency. We are extremely proud to enhance our service offerings for companies aiming to access the Halal market," says Chaiboun Darwiche, CEO of SIILHalal.

SIILHalal's BPJPH – Indonesia certification took effect in August and is valid until 2028. It is worth noting that BPJPH is the official body responsible for Halal conformity assessment in the Indonesian market, being the only authority under Law 33 of 2014, with the power to formulate and establish JPH (Halal Product Assurance) policies; define JPH standards, procedures, and criteria; issue and revoke Halal certificates and labels on products; register foreign Halal certificates; conduct Halal product promotion, education, and publication; accredit Halal inspection bodies (LPH); register Halal auditors; supervise JPH; train Halal auditors; and collaborate with national and international institutions in the field of JPH.

The executive adds that BPJPH has implemented several initiatives and strategies to accelerate Halal certification for products while strengthening the Halal ecosystem in Indonesia, aiming to position the country as the world’s largest producer of Halal products.

"We remain focused and committed to each system in which we hold accreditation, allowing us to grow sustainably year after year. Above all, we serve businesses to help them comply with both national and international regulations, as well as Islamic Jurisprudence, providing Muslim consumers with a trusted Halal seal,” concludes Chaiboun.

About SIILHalal – Founded on April 1, 2008, SIILHalal is a company specialized in Islamic Inspection Services that operates as a Halal certifier for various industrial sectors. Their work begins on the production line and continues through to the packaging of products permitted for Islamic consumption, ensuring that companies, products, and processes adhere to the standards and regulations dictated by the Holy Quran and Islamic Jurisprudence.

Press Contact:

Arthur Rodrigo Ribeiro
Giracom Comunicação & Marketing
Cell/WhatsApp: +55 15 998076689

Get Halal certification
Islamic Inspection Service - SIILHalal
+55 (49) 3323.1224
+55 (49) 3311.8588
Rua Duque de Caxias N° 196D - Edifício Il Centenário – Sala 1504
Chapecó – Santa Catarina - CEP:89.802-420
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