In the Name of Allah, The Merciful, The Compassionate

SIILHalal Certifies Halal Exports to Malaysia

SIILHalal Certifies Halal Exports to Malaysia

A Brazilian halal certification body is qualified to issue a stamp certifying the compliance of products with Malaysian market rules.

ccording to a statement published by SIILHalal, the Brazilian Halal Certification Company has been able to obtain qualification that enables it to certify halal products to be exported to Malaysia, where it has become a halal certification body in Brazil recognized by the Malaysian Islamic Development Administration (JAKIM). Read more: SIILHalal certifies halal exports to Malaysia - Agência de Notícias Brasil-Árabe (

Get Halal certification
Islamic Inspection Service - SIILHalal
+55 (49) 3323.1224
+55 (49) 3311.8588
Rua Duque de Caxias N° 196D - Edifício Il Centenário – Sala 1504
Chapecó – Santa Catarina - CEP:89.802-420
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