In the Name of Allah, The Merciful, The Compassionate

Halal but not halal-certified?

Halal but not halal-certified?

Key concerns about approved COVID-19 vaccines

The approved COVID-19 vaccines have been met with a mixed response from the Islamic theological community, halal associations and halal pharmaceutical experts as to whether the vaccine is halal, despite governments’ approval, including those of Muslim-majority countries.

In the UK, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, which is being given to the public, was approved by the British Islamic Medical Association (BIMA) and other Islamic scholars, stating the vaccine was halal “based on the information available.”

According to the British government, the vaccine does not contain any components of animal origin, which has been a concern for Muslims as porcine, which is haram (non-permissible), or non-halal slaughtered beef could have been used.

The only doubtful ingredient in the vaccine is cholesterol, as it could be derived from animal fat, but the pharmaceutical company says it is from plant-derived sources or are synthetic.

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