In the Name of Allah, The Merciful, The Compassionate

Trade with Arab countries poised to grow

Trade with Arab countries poised to grow

Sales from Brazil are expected to increase for pharmaceuticals, food and building products, Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce Rubens Hannun said during a webinar hosted by university ESPM on Monday (5).

Brazilian-Arab trade is poised to increase, Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (ABCC) president Rubens Hannun said. He spoke in the late afternoon on Monday (5) during the webinar ‘Managing Differences: the core challenge to a global strategy in the context of the Arab countries.’ Hannun lectured on the subject to students from the Higher School of Advertising and Marketing (ESPM).

Questioned about the impact of the pandemic in Brazilian-Arab trade, he remarked that sales have increased when it comes to items such as food. “Brazil hasn’t stopped supplying food to Arab countries at all. This leads to very high confidence levels.”

“The building of good relations in trade has helped speed up various joint initiatives. This trade could pick up greatly. Covid ended up fast-tracking agreements with the Arab countries. We are about to sign many of them during the upcoming Economic Forum Brazil & Arab Countries,” he said, referencing the event the ABCC will host in an innovative virtual format from October 19 to 22.

Hannun said the industries with the most potential are high value-added foods, pharmaceuticals and construction products. “The Arab countries are building entire cities. We are seeing it happen in Saudi Arabia and Egypt’s new capital. They have a housing deficit, therefore there are opportunities in construction.”

The event was moderated by ESPM professors Reinaldo B. Manzini, who holds a doctorate degree in Business Administration from the São Paulo Business Administration School at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), and Gunther Rudzit, who holds a doctorate in Political Science from the University of São Paulo (USP).

Source: ANBA

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