In the Name of Allah, The Merciful, The Compassionate

Embassy of Kuwait donates 575 food kits in Brasília

Embassy of Kuwait donates 575 food kits in Brasília

The action is part of the campaign ‘Federal District Government and Embassies United Against Covid-19,’ created by the Federal District Government’s Office of International Affairs and the Covid-19 Emergency Committee.

The State of Kuwait, represented in Brazil by its Embassy in Brasília, donated 575 food kits to supply people in need in the Federal District. The donation is part of the campaign ‘Federal District Government and Embassies United Against Covid-19,’ from the Federal District Government’s Office of International Affairs and the Covid-19 Emergency Committee, established via Decree 40.559/20 and involving multiple entities in Brasília.

Kuwait’s ambassador to Brazil, Nasser Al Moitari, was responsible for the donation. In addition to food kits, the campaign will collect cleaning items such as bleach, sanitizer, detergent and liquid soap. The Federal District government told ANBA that the items are being given out to people in different areas of the Federal District, including Ceilândia.

Collection and delivery are underway by the Civil Defense, in a bid to address pressing needs stemming from the pandemic. However, donations will be accepted through June 15.

The Covid-19 Emergency Committee also supplies facemasks and coordinates other actions within the Federal District. For more on the campaign, you can write an email or call the Office of International Affairs (, +55 61 3961-4685).

Source: ANBA

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