In the Name of Allah, The Merciful, The Compassionate

Ministries issue meat and poultry industry Covid-19 primer

Ministries issue meat and poultry industry Covid-19 primer

Brazil’s Agriculture, Economy and Health ministries released a guide for meat and poultry processing and packing facilities to prevent coronavirus infection among staff.

Brazil’s Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Health released this Monday (11) a manual comprising 72 measures to be put in place by meat and poultry processors and packers to prevent coronavirus infection. According to the ministries, the purpose is to prevent worker contagion, and thereby ensure food supplies and the maintenance of jobs and economic activity in the country.

Recommendations include personal hygiene, meals and clothing care, accident prevention, worker transportation, the use of facemasks, high-risk workers, and procedures for the resumption of activities at establishments. Among other things, companies are advised to identify and send home workers suspected or confirmed to have Covid-19, and to keep production line staff two meters apart.

Source: ANBA

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